“Sex Under the Influence” Gets Worldwide Launch.

“Sex Under the Influence” Gets Worldwide Launch

Chemsex Help, Recovery Workshops, Sexualized Drug Use

Fawcett’s highly anticipated new book, “Sex Under the Influence: Understanding and Healing from Sexualized Drug Use,” has received high praise from both the public and professionals in North America, Europe and Australia. Sexualized drug use is the ritualized combination of drugs and sexual behaviors. For over two decades Fawcett’s clinical practice has focused on drug use and sex among men who have sex with men, a practice known as chemsex. The last five years have seen a great expansion of these behaviors among all groups: any sex, gender or sexual orientation, along with a variety of drugs besides amphetamines. The resulting changes in sexual behaviors (for example, heterosexual men compulsively having sex with other men or transgender persons) have confused therapists, spouses, and even the individuals themselves. This book sheds light not only on the “whys” of this behavior but, more importantly, what to do about it.

Sex Under the Influence is written for both professionals and the public. It clarifies the science behind these addictive substances and behaviors, examines the susceptibility of certain populations, and provides solutions. Sexualized drug use requires two recovery strategies which can be confusing. The first strategy, abstinence, is recommended from mood altering substances but not, of course, from sex. Sex must be reintegrated in a healthy way which is easier said than done. Many people have used substances to feel more comfortable in sexual situations, whether because of inhibitions, shame, body dysmorphia, or a history of trauma. Because of this, sex in early sobriety can be extremely triggering and cause relapse. This book provides a pathway through these complications and solutions that will save lives.