”Crystal City” opens Austin’s Kink Weekend.

Fawcett’s documentary “Crystal City” opens Austin’s Kink Weekend

Chemsex Help, Recovery Workshops, Sex in Sobriety

Crystal City, the award-winning documentary, was selected to open Austin Kink Weekend in May. Fawcett, Executive Producer of the film, along with Director Terrence Crawford, were in attendance.

The documentary follows the lives of several gay men in New York as they pursue recovery from meth and other drugs. Combining sex with methamphetamine and other drugs, known as chemsex, is a highly-addictive experience that is spreading beyond men who have sex with men into the broader population. The high levels of dopamine released by meth create an intensely pleasurable experience that quickly hijacks normal sexual arousal, causing harm to sexual functioning. Recovery involves untangling meth, sex and intimacy which was the focus of Fawcett’s first book “Lust, Men and Meth.”

Austin Kink Weekend is a relatively new event that has quickly gained popularity. Crystal City was a natural choice to open the weekend because chemsex often results in behaviors that go hand-in-hand with kink. Drugs used in chemsex often result in an escalation of taboo, rough and other more extreme sexual experiences. Because of their mood-altering effects, however, safe and consensual behavior, so essential with kinky play, can be compromised. This, along with other points, were discussed in the Q&A following the screening. Crystal City can be viewed on Amazon Prime and other platforms.

For more information visit https://www.crystalcitymovie.com/.