Dr. David Fawcett's Literary Works

Exploring the Intersection of Addiction, Sexuality, and Recovery

Dr. David's Newest Book

Sex Under the Influence

Understanding and Healing from Sexualized Drug Use

Building on “Lust, Men and Meth,” This new book explores patters of sex and drug use among all populations, not just gay men.

Uncover the truth behind chemsex addiction and discover a clear path to recovery with our practical guide. Dive deep into the complexities of substance use and its impact on intimacy, relationships, and overall well-being.

Let us help you navigate the challenges and find strength in healing.

Lust, Men and Meth, by David Fawcett, PhD.

Lust, Men, and Meth

A Gay Man’s Guide to Sex and Recovery

Looking for a practical resource for recovery from methamphetamine and the restoration of healthy sex and intimacy? Look no further than Lust, Men, and Meth: A Gay Man’s Guide to Sex and Recovery by David Fawcett, PhD, LCSW. With over a decade of clinical experience and research, Dr. Fawcett outlines the seductive appeal of methamphetamine and its impact on high-risk behaviors and sexual desire, resulting in the fusion of meth and sex in the brain.

Lust, Men and Meth, by David Fawcett, PhD.

Lust, Rausch und Crystal Meth

Auf der Suche nach einer praktischen Ressource zur Genesung von Methamphetamin und zur Wiederherstellung gesunder Sexualität und Intimität? Dann werfen Sie einen Blick auf “Lust, Rausch und Meth: Wage aus dem Chemsex-Konsum bei MSM” von David Fawcett, PhD, LCSW. Mit über einem Jahrzehnt klinischer Erfahrung und Forschung beschreibt Dr. Fawcett den verführerischen Reiz von Methamphetamin und dessen Auswirkungen auf risikoreiches Verhalten und sexuelles Verlangen, was zur Verschmelzung von Meth und Sex im Gehirn führt.

Lust, Men and Meth, by David Fawcett, PhD.

Rave Reviews for "Sex Under the Influence"

Steven Davidson, PhD, LCSW

Psychotherapist/ Clinical Sexologist

Sex Under the Influence is an excellent resource for those recovering from sexualized drug use as well as those who want to better understand the complexities of fusing sex with substance use. Fawcett provides practical suggestions for recovery; highlighting the value of mindfulness and the importance of abstinence. This book is a pathway to understanding the seeds of compulsion and how to transition into healthier expressions of sexual authenticity. Fawcett tackles head-on the controversy around behavioral addictions and how these are defined. He acknowledges the professional debates and disparities of opinion regarding what qualifies as addiction. Both behavioral health professionals and those recovering from chem-sex addiction will want to add this resource to their library.

Debra Kaplan, MA, MBA, LPC, CSAT-S

Licensed therapist and author of "Battle of The Titans: Mastering the Forces of Sex, Money and Power”

“Dr. David Fawcett’s book “Sex Under the Influence” is an unparalleled resource about the world of sexualized drug use. Fawcett provides a guide that marries emotional examination with scientific research and is a must-read for individuals seeking recovery or for professionals seeking more clinical information.

Wesley Detweiler PhD

Psychologist, Palm Springs CA

May I just say “wow”. As a psychologist I find the manner in which Dr. Fawcett explains addiction, addiction pairing, and the variations in sex and process addictions to be well thought out and easily understood. Already I am excited that this book will be available for bibliotherapy for my clients who struggle with chemsex. For families, this book will be a valuable resource for them to understand the nuances of addiction and sexuality that make treating these complex issues challenging. Most importantly, I feel this book honors the experience of the chemsex addict and addicts in general; capturing the humanity of the addict, helping the reader to understand what drives the behavior is not a moral issue, and that there are complex processes at play.

The book offers a path for understanding and unpairing while never disparaging the addict.

Enod Gray PLLC

LCSW, CSAT, CPLC, Certified Rainbow Advocate & Educator Certified EMDR Practitioner

This well researched book is a must read for anyone dealing with any sort of addictive substance or behavior most particularly for those who have fused substance use and sex addiction. In addition, Sex Under the Influence is a gold mine of clinical information for health providers. Dr. Fawcett approaches the subject with a thorough explanation of sexualized drug use and expands the subject by providing specific and understandable behaviors and tools to build skills for lifelong recovery. The underlying theme of the book is both positive and hopeful.

Kenneth M. Adams, Ph. D.

Licensed Psychologist and author of Silently Seduced and When He's Married to Mom and co-author of A Light on the Dark and co-editor of Clinical Management of Sex Addiction- Second Edition. www.drkenadams.com

Sex Under the Influence by Dr. David Fawcett is a game changer for the field of recovery and addiction treatment. Dr. Fawcett tackles the complex web of sex under the influence in this brilliantly researched and written book that outlines the emerging and growing problem our culture faces. Leaving no stone unturned, David straightforwardly and with the comfort of his guiding wisdom and caring presence, delineates all the needed information to address this problem and find the courage to lead a life of recovery. Dr. Fawcett’s Sex Under the Influence is certain to become a classic in the field.

Mellissa McCracken they/them


This book is exceptional in the journey it takes the reader. For those in recovery, identifying the problem and understanding the nature of sexualized drug use is so helpful to many who struggle with shame, remorse, and guilt about actions taken in addiction. Helping people move from shame-based beliefs into their hero’s journey is essential to long term recovery. I particularly loved the lean into resilience at the end of the book and the practical recovery tools laid out. This moves conceptual ideas of how to use recovery technology into applicable easy to access tangible action items.

The book offers a path for understanding and unpairing while never disparaging the addict.

Dr. Carol Clark

Author of Addict America: The Lost Connection; My Pocket Therapist: 12 Tools for Living in Recovery; and Why Does God Let This Happen: The Meaning of Life.

While the combination of sex and drugs has been normalized, glamorized, and even celebrated (think “cigarettes after intercourse,” or “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll), Dr. Fawcett very cogently makes the point that this is ultimately unhealthy – to individuals, their relationships, and the spiritual connectedness we share with all life. Dr. Fawcett offers hope in the form of readily understandable recovery concepts and everyday practices that will lead to loving and intimate sexual relationships.

Charles M. Bernstein, M.D.

As a practicing physician and addict/alcoholic in recovery, I found Dr Fawcett’s new book outstanding; in addition to shedding light on the highly misunderstood and underrecognized phenomenon of sexualized drug use, Sex Under the Influence provides an excellent overview of addiction as a disease, including its roots in early life trauma, development of unhealthy coping skills, and the neurobiologic basis of addictive behaviors. Any healthcare professional who wishes to gain a broad understanding of one of the most prevalent diseases of the 21st century would benefit from reading Sex Under the Influence.

Wesley Detwiler PhD

Clinical Psychologist, Detwiler Psychology APC

David, I just want to thank you again for sharing your book with me. As I have read the book in more detail, I love how you weave the thread between what are Process/Behavioral Addictions and Addiction to Substances. “addiction is about the manipulation of neurochemistry, and this can occur with or without an addictive substance.” In chapter two, Understanding Addiction, the way you have outlined addiction and the addiction loop creates context for therapeutic interventions and a deep dive into the cycle of addiction. I am truly excited for this book and I feel it will be the “go-to” for practitioners who are working with addiction in their practices.

Thank you again. I am kind of blown away by how really amazing it is!!!!! I am not good at writing reviews or anything like that, but this comes from my heart.

Christopher M. Shea


Akin to a Swiss Army knife, Fawcett’s Sex Under the Influence serves as a comprehensive toolkit for navigating the tangled jungle of chemsex addiction. Moreover, he harmonizes perspectives, particularly in the Intimacy and Healthy Sexuality chapter, in the all-too-often warring viewpoints between sex therapists and sex addiction therapists. The author’s empowering perspective offers a route out of dependency towards a reclamation or inaugural discovery of healthy pleasure for recovering people. And there’s nothing sexier than that.

Dr. Skip Speer

Clinical Sexologist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist

“Sex Under the Influence” is another groundbreaking work by Dr. David Fawcett, who is one of the world’s leading experts in the field of sexualized drug use, an area that is lacking thorough research. This much-needed primer provides fresh, evidence-based, skill building strategies aimed at healing the challenges resulting from sexualized drug abuse. Sex Under the Influence is tailored for the underserved individulals grappling with this affliction and the clinicians that guide them on the path to recovery. This book fills a crucial knowledge gap and adopts a collaborative approach toward shame reduction.